Calling the Design Advisor this way requires less effort than using a manually created input file containing SQL statements. 以这种方式调用DesignAdvisor比手动地创建包含SQL语句的输入文件要省事得多。
Send the newly created file to certificate authority ( CA). 将新创建的文件发送给认证机构(CA)。
You have now successfully created three separate file systems for these three departments. 现在,您已经成功地为这三个部门创建了三个独立的文件系统。
You have successfully created a properties file realm called SampleSecurityRealm. 您已经成功地创建了一个名为SampleSecurityRealm的属性文件域。
Deploy the created BAR file to the broker and check for any error messages. 将创建的BAR文件部署到代理,并检查是否存在任何错误消息。
Specifically, a pipe is created ( a file structure in the kernel). 具体地说,创建了管道(内核中的文件结构)。
The user can install the newly created EAR file in this page. 用户可以在此页面安装刚刚创建的EAR文件。
Page Designer opens automatically on the created file. 在已创建的文件上自动打开了PageDesigner。
The jacl script takes a single argument which is a path to a created properties file. 该jacl脚本具有单一的参数,它是创建的属性文件的路径。
If it is used, only one chunk will be created from this file. 如果被使用,那么仅能从该文件创建一个块。
Notice that USER's/ tmp contains only the newly created file. 注意,USER的/tmp只包含新创建的文件。
The page Preparing for the application installation displays; this page is where you can install the newly created EAR file. 显示Preparingfortheapplicationinstallation页面;该页面就是您安装最新创建的EAR文件的位置。
If preserve case is set to no, then the value of default case is used to determine the case of the newly created file. 如果preservecase设置为no,则会使用defaultcase的值来确定新创建文件的大小写。
In the freshly created file, the default process editor tree view is displayed. 在新创建的文件中显示的是缺省流程编辑器树视图。
Otherwise a manually created mapping file may make sense, which can then feed into a process that updates as many specifications as needed. 否则,应当使用手动创建的映射文件,该文件可以被提供给流程,更新尽可能多的规范。
ENAMETOOLONG& You've created a path name longer than PATH_MAX, or you've created a file or directory name longer than NAME_MAX. ENAMETOOLONG:您已创建比PATHMAX长的路径名,或者已创建比NAMEMAX长的文件名或目录名。
For our purposes, we will open our previously created ZIP file and see what's inside. 出于我们的目的,将打开先前创建的ZIP文件并查看其内容。
Use a comparison tool to compare the backup you created and the newly created file, and manually make any changes required to restore the desired functionality from the previous manual changes. 使用比较工具比较您创建的备份和新创建的文件,并手动进行要从以前手动更改中恢复期望功能所需要的任何更改。
When a change is committed, a new revision is created for the file. 当提交了变更之后,就会创建此文件的一个新的修订。
Once you have created the zip file, add it into the examples folder in the plug-in project. 当您建立好了zip文件后,将其添加到插件项目的样例文件夹中。
I created the file I wanted to add using the echo command, since this is a simple example. 我使用echo命令创建了想要添加的文件,因为这只是一个简单的例子而已。
You have created the batch file that runs your tests. 您已经创建了用来运行测试的批处理文件。
Ownership is based on the default user and group IDs of the person who created a file. 所有权以内定用户和创造了一个文件的人的组身份证为基础。
So, for example, we've created a file transfer API that exposes the ability to send, retrieve files as well as browse remote file systems. 打个比方,我们已经创建了一个文件传输API,它曝露了发送、接收以及浏览远程文件系统的功能。
Gets a value that indicates whether a backup file is created when this file is saved. 获取一个值,该值指示保存此文件时是否创建备份文件。
If you know who created the add-in file, ask the creator for the password. 如果您知道谁创建加载项文件,创建者要求提供密码。
This approach specifies that each change ( or set of related changes) be represented as an "incremental" update in a newly created script file, similar to that of Ruby Migrations. 这种方法要求任何一个改变(或一组相关的改变)必须有一个新生成的脚本文件可通过“增量”更新的方式来代表,这与RubyMigration很相似。
Policy installation affects only the version of the runtime that you targeted when you created the installation file. 当创建安装文件时,策略安装仅对您所针对的运行库的版本产生影响。
Name of application that created the file. 创建该文件的应用程序的名称。
The bidirectional compatibility interface with AutoCAD was created by file format transformation and Object Linkage and Embedded technology. 采用文件格式转换和对象链接嵌入(OLE)技术,实现了同AutoCAD之间的双向接口。